Currently searching for leadership positions in higher education (Dean, Vice President) and the non-profit sector (Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer) as a result of NJCU terminating my leadership position, along with many others, in July 2022 due to its massive fiscal crisis that included a substantial $20 million deficit.
Ph.D. History from Temple University
MA History from Villanova University
BA History from Cabrini College
Selected to participate in and completed the AGB Institute for Leadership & Governance in Higher Education. This program is designed for individuals who aspire to presidencies at four-year public research universities and regional comprehensive institutions. Twenty-nine participants from institutions around the country formed the 2021 Cohort.
Selected to participate in and completed the Council of Independent Colleges Senior Leadership Academy, co-sponsored by the American Academic Leadership Institute. This program is designed for mid-level administrators in higher education who aspire to senior leadership positions in independent colleges or universities. Twenty-six participants from institutions around the country formed the 2014 Cohort.
​​StrengthsFinder identified my top five strengths as:
Learner: love to learn and are drawn to the process of learning.
Achiever: driven and in need of constant achievement.
Ideation: fascinated by ideas and delighted to discover a simple yet elegant way to explain why things are the way they are.
Individualization: intrigued by the unique qualities of each person.
Strategic: able to sort through the clutter and find the best route by relying upon a distinct way of thinking.
​The VIA Character Strengths Profile identified my top five signature strengths as:
Love of Humanity: valuing close relations with others.
Creativity: thinking of novel and productive ways to conceptualize and do things.
Curiosity: taking an interest in ongoing experience for its own sake; finding subjects and topics fascinating; exploring and discovering.
Perspective: being able to provide wise counsel to others and having ways of looking at the world that make sense to others.
Humor: bringing smiles to other people.