Today is June 1 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “how often do you fail to see someone?” American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. noted “People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.” As an extension we can add “and because they fail to see each other.” People who navigate the chaos understand the necessity of seeing others as they are critically important in relationships.
While you may look at crowds of people in a day how many do you see? The definition of seeing people here refers to their authentic self. But seeing someone is complex and involves several factors to understand. Perhaps one of the most important elements involved with seeing someone is their inability to show the world their authentic self. In some respects, the world has grown more welcoming for people in terms of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
For example, 29 countries and territories have enacted national laws allowing gays and lesbians to marry, mostly in Europe and the Americas. There is no doubt much work remains to create a global environment allowing people to show their authentic self more freely. Until that time arrives, however, many people will not let you see their authentic self and use this as an act of self-preservation.
Decades ago, American singer Billy Joel wrote about this in his 1977 song The Stranger:
Well, we all have a face
That we hide away forever
And we take them out
And show ourselves when everyone has gone
Some are satin, some are steel
Some are silk and some are leather
They're the faces of a stranger
If you remind yourself that many people are hesitant to unveil their authentic self, then today’s Navigate the Chaos question serves as a good reminder to pause as you travel your path and take time to see people for who they truly are. This requires a good deal of dedication, time, and work.
Somewhere along your travels there will be people who come across your path who might like to be seen by you. For whatever reason they feel a connection but are unsure as to how to get your attention. It will be up to you to see them. To do that you will need to understand what influences your vision in the first place. Your vision of others is often influenced by your environment and social orientation.
If you want to see people better, and if you want to be seen more clearly, social psychologist and best-selling author Heidi Grant Halvorson, explains why we are often misunderstood and how we can fix that. In her book No One Understands You: And What To Do About It, she writes that most of us assume that other people see us as we see ourselves and that they see us as we truly are. But neither is true. Our everyday interactions are colored by subtle biases that distort how others see us—and shape our perceptions of them.

For Halvorson people can improve how they see others, and how they in turn are seen by understanding the three critical lenses that shape perception:
1. Trust: Are you friend or foe?
2. Power: How much influence do you have over me? And
3. Ego: Do you make me feel insecure?
Thus, when a stranger, or someone you know, comes across your path as you navigate the chaos, they may see you as a foe, they may believe you have some degree of influence over them and they may feel insecure around you. The point is for you to be aware of these possible perceptions. Doing so will help you see people and their authentic self.
Based on decades of research in psychology and social science, Halvorson explains how these lenses affect our interactions—and how to manage them. Once you understand the science of perception, you will communicate more clearly, send the messages you intend to send, and improve your personal relationships. You will also become a fairer and more accurate judge of others.
American author John Steinbeck noted “I wonder how many people I’ve looked at all my life and never seen.” As you go about navigating the chaos and practicing the art of living well today, try to remember how many people you see but fail to understand.
How often do you think you fail to see someone?
Do you even possess the self-awareness to realize you are failing to see people?
What is the cause of your blindness and what can you do to improve your vision?
How do you think your inability to see others is hindering your ability to navigate the chaos?
Have you ever stopped and wondered how many people you have looked at during your life yet never really saw them?